

with a bowl because we insist on being kitchen-themed

farfetchd bowl


As with previous assignments, we wil be using GitHub to distribute skeleton code and collect submissions. Please refer to our Git Workflow guide for more details. Note that we will be using multiple tags for this assignment, for each deliverable part.

NOTE: If at all possible, please try to submit using x86. If one of your group members owns an x86 machine, test on that machine prior to submitting, and do not commit a .armpls file. This will make grading much easier for us.

For students on arm64 computers (e.g. M1/M2 machines): if you want your submission to be built/tested for ARM, you must create and submit a file called .armpls in the top-level directory of your repo; feel free to use the following one-liner:

cd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" && touch .armpls && git add -f .armpls && git commit .armpls -m "ARM pls"

You should do this first so that this file is present in all parts.

Code Style

There is a script in the skeleton code named run_checkpatch.sh. It is a wrapper over linux/scripts/checkpatch.pl, which is a Perl script that comes with the Linux kernel that checks if your code conforms to the kernel coding style.

Execute run_checkpatch.sh to see if your code conforms to the kernel style – it’ll let you know what changes you should make. You must make these changes before pushing a tag. Passing run_checkpatch.sh with no warnings and no errors is required for this assignment.

Skeleton code setup

Kernel system call stubs

In addition to the pristine Linux kernel source tree (now under linux/) we’ve provided a patch file which will create the syscall stubs for you. You will need to apply this patch to your repo.

The patch is under the following path:


You can use git apply to apply this patch. First, check which files will be modified by the patch:

$ git apply --stat patch/farfetch.patch

You should also inspect what the patch is doing by reading the diffs inside. Finally, you can apply the patch with the following:

$ git apply patch/farfetch.patch

Now, when you run git status, you should see some files modified, as well as some .c and .h files added. After verifying that these changes worked as intended, commit them.

Building your patched kernel

Build your kernel. Make sure you’re building with a local version that is different from your fallback (-cs4118), so you don’t overwrite it; set your local version to your UNI (i.e. -<uni>-HW7).

Now, when you build your kernel, you should have the farfetch() syscall stub in your kernel.

Installing kernel headers

The syscall you will implement has a cmd parameter whose possible values (defined by an enum) are unique to the syscall, and which must be known by the caller. This means that the enum definition needs to be available in both kernel and user land. You’ll need to install the farfetch header (include/uapi/linux/farfetch.h) from the kernel source tree to userspace.

Once you’ve built your farfetch()-stubbed kernel, run the following command:

# make headers_install INSTALL_HDR_PATH=/usr

This command will install the headers found under include/uapi/ in your Linux source tree into /usr/include/. Now you should be able to #include <linux/farfetch.h> from userspace! Additionally, the syscall number should be available as __NR_farfetch from #include <asm-generic/unistd.h>. Try compiling the userspace utility (see below) to make sure this works.

farfetch: Fetching Pages from Afar

For this assignment, you will be implementing farfetch(), a system call that allows you to manipulate the memory of a specified process. The syscall number for farfetch() is 505, and it should be implemented as a dynamically loadable module.


The function prototype for farfetch() is the following:

long farfetch(unsigned int cmd, void __user *addr, pid_t target_pid,
	      unsigned long target_addr, size_t len);

farfetch() will take in five arguments:

Return values and error handling

Part 1: Walking the Walk

You will be implementing farfetch() in this part, but with a few simplifying limitations; most significantly, you will only be dealing with the single physical page that is associated with target_addr, so there’s no need to worry about traversing to any subsequent pages. You will copy to/from this page up until either len bytes or the end of the page (whichever comes first).

There is one restriction on your implementation for this part: you may NOT use get_user_pages_remote()/pin_user_pages_remote(), nor anything which invokes them. You may reference their implementation for performing a page walk, but note that the relevant bits are buried in logic that deals with things you don’t need to worry about (traversing arbitrary address ranges, huge pages, special mappings, faulting in pages, etc.)—if your module contains such extraneous code, it will incur a steep deduction. Every line you write should be with purpose, so avoid haphazardly copy-pasting functions or large chunks of code.

Consequently, you will need to manually perform the 5-level page walk. Some additional simplifying limitations:

If performing a FAR_WRITE, you should mark the modified page as dirty using set_page_dirty_lock().

To determine if target_addr is a valid user-space address, it is sufficient to check against the end of the target process’s virtual address space, which is evaluated by the TASK_SIZE_OF() macro; anything >= TASK_SIZE_OF() cannot be a valid user address for the task.

Our recommendation is to start with the resources linked below before looking at kernel code, as those more directly get at what you need to implement the page walk.



To submit this part, push the hw7p1handin tag with the following:

$ git tag -a -m "Completed hw7 part1." hw7p1handin
$ git push origin master
$ git push origin hw7p1handin

Part 2: Time for Takeoff

For this part, we are lifting the main restriction of Part 1 and encouraging that you use get_user_pages_remote(). You can let the internal “GUP” logic (belonging to the get_user_pages_* family of functions) handle the details of the walk.

The use of GUP logic provides the following functionalities which were not required in Part 1:

Remember to mark any modified pages dirty (as in Part 1).



To submit this part, push the hw7p2handin tag with the following:

$ git tag -a -m "Completed hw7 part2." hw7p2handin
$ git push origin master
$ git push origin hw7p2handin


The farfetchd Hacker Utility

We’ve provided a userspace utility to test your implementation, under the following path:


In particular, farfetchd takes a target PID, address, and maximum length, and will execute your syscall up to two times; once to FAR_READ from the target, and then if you choose to modify any memory, once to FAR_WRITE it.

You will need to install bvi before using farfetchd:

# apt install bvi

You will find the provided target programs useful for testing under the following path:


Though feel free to write your own for additional testing.

Linked below are some example shell sessions of testing with farfetchd, using the final Part 2 version. Note that the behavior will be different for Part 1 in some cases.


Part 3: Flying Abroad (Optional)

This part is optional and will not be graded.

In attempting to inspect the processes of another Linux system, you may find the victim is unable or unwilling to install your patched kernel. Our kernel patch was necessary to add the syscall interface by which our user-space hacker tool communicates with the kernel—but good news, there’s no need! Linux already allows for kernel modules to establish their own interfaces by which user-space may invoke kernel code, namely by registering a pseudo-device to be exposed on the filesystem. These device files are interacted with via standard I/O syscalls.

Every device driver has a major number which identifies it, and every individual device (whether it’s a real non-pseudo device or not) has a minor number which identifies it to the driver. For example, /dev/null, /dev/zero, /dev/random, and several other pseudo-devices all belong to same “devmem” device driver within the Linux kernel, with the same major number but different minor numbers. These are all implemented in drivers/char/mem.c. If you stat these on the command line, you can see in the “Device type” field that the major identifier (the first number) is the same between them, confirming that they share that same driver.

You will change your kernel module to register a device driver which invokes farfetch(), instead of setting the global function pointer for the syscall to use. To be safe, copy user/module/farfetch/ to a new directory user/module/farfetch_p3/, and make all changes there—do NOT submit any changes to the original directory for your graded tags.

Reference this guide for a basic module example which registers such a driver:


You don’t need to worry about the “state control” global variables from the example—we don’t care to track whether our driver is “busy”.

Part A: Minor Turbulance

Note how the guide does not use the device’s minor identifier; in our case, we’re going to use it to identify the PID of the target process for farfetch(), s.t. each pseudo-device powered by the farfetch driver will read/write the memory of a specific process. You may use iminor(ino) within dev_open() to get the minor number of the device being opened, which you may treat as target_pid. All you need to know about the struct inode * for now is that it corresponds to the filesystem path being opened—more to come in HW8!

As a consequence of this, we need to allocate as many minor numbers as possible for our driver; to do so, replace the guide’s register/unregister lines with the following:

	major = __register_chrdev(0, 0, MINORMASK + 1, "farfetch", &fops);
	__unregister_chrdev(major, 0, MINORMASK + 1, "farfetch");

Some hints:

As in the guide, use the mknod command to link a device on the filesystem with our driver’s major identifier—unlike the guide, the minor number will be the PID of the target process. Below is a sample session; notice how, since our device file can be interfaced with via simple read/write I/O syscalls, we don’t need any special C program to interface with it—just standard shell commands!

$ ../../test/targets/mmap &
[1] 16593
$ 0xffff9f88b000

$ grep farfetch /proc/devices
238 farfetch
$ sudo mknod -m 0666 farfetch-16593 c 238 16593
$ dd if=farfetch-16593 bs=1 skip=$((0xffff9f88b000)) count=20
Hey this is private!20+0 records in
20+0 records out
20 bytes copied, 0.000129289 s, 155 kB/s
$ echo -n HACKED | dd of=farfetch-16593 bs=1 seek=$((0xffff9f88b000))
6+0 records in
6+0 records out
6 bytes copied, 9.7956e-05 s, 61.3 kB/s
$ fg
^CHACKEDis is private!
$ sudo rm farfetch-16593

Part B: Flight Control

There are some drawbacks to exclusively using the minor number for our PID—for one thing, we have to deal with mknod for each and every target process, which is annoying. But more importantly, the minor identifier is actually limited to 20 bits (since Linux’s dev_t type is encoded to pack both major and minor), which means its maximum value could be lower than the maximum PID value. To cover our bases, let’s allow a user to set the underlying PID of their opened file descriptor when the minor device number is 0 (which won’t correspond to an actual process anyway).

The ioctl() syscall is used to manipulate the underlying parameters of a device. To enable our own interface, set unlocked_ioctl in the struct file_operations s.t. a user may invoke ioctl() on their file descriptor to set its target PID.

Since we’ll be using our own special device controls, we do require a dedicated C program to make the necessary IOCTL command before reading/writing. Provided is user/test/farfetchd_p3/ which contains a version of farfetchd that does not use any special syscall, interfacing with /dev/farfetch via ioctl/lseek/read/write. Note that the “request” argument passed to ioctl() is ignored; our driver only understands one IOCTL request, so to keep things simple, we just take the argument after “request” as the PID.

To test, we use mknod to link /dev/farfetch to our driver with device minor number 0 (just once!):

$ grep farfetch /proc/devices
238 farfetch
$ sudo mknod -m 0666 /dev/farfetch c 238 0

And now we can use farfetchd the same as before, on any process we like, for as long as our module is inserted. Only now, our kernel module can be built against anyone’s Linux kernel, assuming the version is close enough to not break our code. Happy hacking :^)

Submission (optional)

To submit this part, push the hw7p3handin tag with the following:

$ git tag -a -m "Completed hw7 part3." hw7p3handin
$ git push origin master
$ git push origin hw7p3handin

Useful Resources

Below is some online reading material that you may find helpful for this assignment:

For official Linux documentation on memory management:

chef farfetchd


The Farfetch’d assignment and reference implementation were designed and implemented by the following TAs of COMS W4118 Operating Systems I, Spring 2022, Columbia University:

Last updated: 2023-03-28